As a mother dont forget to make a me time everyday to make you dont get stress

So a mother means that you are ready with a big responsibility because there is definitely a lot of time taken to pay attention to your baby while taking care of many other household matters. Not only bathing your baby, feeding and nursing your baby, to washing clothes for all family members, you also have to clean up your house, prepare a food menu, and a series of other activities.

According to a survey of 1,000 mothers conducted by Procter and Gamble, in collaboration with the Social Issues Research Center (SIRC), a mother would normally spend 1,430 minutes a day taking care of all the needs of family members, especially little babies. Meanwhile, only 10 minutes can you use as me time or do the desired and preferred activities.

Even so, no need to complain Bun, ten minutes is indeed not a long time, but if you can use this time effectively, then it feels very useful. Quoting from The Bump, here are a series of ideas that you can do when I time for 10 minutes every day.

Ten minutes is enough for Bun to meditate. The trick, just keep quiet and close your eyes to clear your mind. Do this in a quiet place, Bun. In between meditations, Mother can take a deep breath so that the body relaxes.

It looks tiring, but ten minutes of exercise can actually help you get more excited. Surely Mother must be more selective in terms of determining the right exercise. Just look for sports that are light and not too draining.

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Chatting does not mean gossiping. Mother must leave old habits like gossiping. Instead, change the habit to use 10 minutes to contact the best people where you can share stories with each other.

Often because it's easy to get tired, Mother becomes vulnerable to eating many times a day without thinking about the number of calories consumed. In fact, this kind of habit only triggers obesity, Bun. It would be better if you maintain your diet while determining when you need to snack. It would be better if the 10 minutes were used to prepare a quick snack or food that you like.

When was the last time Mother started writing again? Remember how comfortable it was to pour the contents of the mind through writing? Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you can use 10 minutes a day to be able to re-write in your diary. Believe me, writing in a diary is a therapy if you are feeling very overwhelmed with daily activities.

Indeed, there are rarely places that want to provide a spa in just 10 minutes. For this reason, if you want to pamper yourself, but your time is limited, just use the time to apply your face mask and eyes. Bun.

For 10 minutes, there are several songs that you can play. Isn't it fun, taking a short break while being accompanied by favorite songs? Listening to music that makes Mother become happier will put herself in a good mood and provide abundant energy.

Be A Good Parenting

Having good, obedient, intelligent and religious children is a great hope for parents. Therefore, we as parents must educate our children from an early age so that they can become a child of pride for parents. Then how do you educate children who are good and right? In this article the author will try to explain the way for you.

How to educate children to be kind, obedient, intelligent and religious

In principle, it is theoretically easy to educate children, but in fact not all parents can do it. That is a lot of children whose growth and development experience obstacles and become children whose presence is less expected because they have a bad personality. Well, below is a way to educate children who are good and right from an early age.

Teach independence and instill a sense of responsibility to children from an early age.
In general, parents will feel anxious and worry too much about their children. It's best not to worry too much and worry about children or protective offers. It is actually not good for planting a child's personality. But try to trust your baby, but it must be monitored from afar without any restraint or protection when he is guilty. Begin to teach your baby to know his belongings, and tidy up after playing. When your child has entered school then teach him to help prepare his needs, give him enough pocket money and try to teach him to save a little of the allowance.

Teach and grow curiosity in children from an early age.
At the age of their children they felt very high curiosity. When looking at things and things that are not yet known and understood, they will usually ask a lot of questions. As a parent you certainly have to answer with an explanation that is easy and able to be understood by the child. If you do not know what is being asked, then giving answers as much as possible does not lie, but try to provide answers that are as logical as possible. You should avoid the word "do not know". You can undertake to find out about what the child asks.

Teach and grow the ability to hold opinions from an early age.
In general, parents will feel indifferent to children who express their opinions. They assume that children's opinions are not important because they are children. Even if the child is not cared for it will be able to have an inferior impact and no longer dare to express an opinion. We as parents must learn to always listen to the opinions of children, if their opinions are not true we as parents can correct them. For example we can give a good and positive response when children argue by giving positive praise even though the opinions expressed are careless.

But if your child is a child who has a shy attitude then you can give feedback by asking mild questions so that he can trigger your child to express his opinion.

Teach children early on a sense of social, sympathetic and empathetic.
As a human being who has been predestined as a social being certainly has a social attitude, sympathy, and empathy is very important. So that children grow up to be human beings who can respect others so teach them as early as possible about how to respect others, how to respect other people's opinions and how to understand the environment around us.

You can teach your child how to give something to people who need their help, and also teach a non-arrogant attitude to your child.

For example, when a beggar comes to your house, ask your child to give it.

Give a good toad attitude.
As parents we must be able to be perfect in front of our children. Because parents are examples that will be adopted by children to adulthood later. If we want our children to be polite, speak soft and good words, then we must always behave the same as role models. But if we want our children to have a religious attitude, then we have to set an example like someone who has a religious attitude.

From the description above we can draw the conclusion that in educating children must be really mature and do not forget to give enough attention. Do not overdo it or not less, because both are not good for the development and growth of children.

Thus the discussion about tips for educating children to be kind, obedient and religious. Hopefully it can be useful.

Buku Hamzah Fansuri

Hamzah al-Fansuri

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Jalan setapak menuju makam Hamzah Fansuri
Hamzah al-Fansuri atau dikenal juga sebagai Hamzah Fansuri adalah seorang ulama sufi dan sastrawan yang hidup di abad ke-16. Meskipun nama 'al-Fansuri' sendiri berarti 'berasal dari Barus' (sekarang berada di provinsi Sumatera Utara) ada pula sarjana yang berpendapat ia lahir di Ayutthaya, ibukota lama kerajaan Siam.[1] Hamzah al-Fansuri lama berdiam di Aceh. Ia terkenal sebagai penganut aliran wahdatul wujud. Dalam sastra Melayu ia dikenal sebagai pencipta genre syair. A. Teeuw menyebutnya sebagai Sang Pemula Puisi Indonesia.



Syair Hamzah Fansuri terdiri atas 13-21 bait. Setiap bait terdiri atas empat baris, yang berima a-a-a-a. Pada umumnya jumlah kata tiap baris ada empat, meskipun terdapat pengecualian. Syair Hamzah al-Fansuri banyak terpengaruh puisi-puisi Arab dan Persia (seperti rubaiyat karya Umar Khayyam), namun terdapat perbedaan. Rima rubaiyat adalah a-a-b-a, sedangkan Hamzah al-Fansuri memakai a-a-a-a.
Dari segi tema setiap syair yang dikarang Hamzah al-Fansuri membahas salah satu aspek tasawuf yang dianut oleh sang penyair itu.
A Teeuw menyebutkan bahwa Hamzah Fansuri memperkenalkan individualitas, hal yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal dalam sastra Melayu lama. Dia juga memperkenalkan bentuk puisi baru untuk mengekspresikan diri. Inovasi lain adalah pemakaian bahasa yang kreatif. Hamzah Fansuri tidak segan-segan meminjam kata-kata dari bahasa Arab dan Persia dalam puisinya.

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